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'Get rid of extra body fat and follow super intense 6 weeks cutting program designed and created by #GuruMann \"MUSCLE MODE\". Full Program Live Now: http://bit.ly/2iJBYrk WORKOUT PLAN PDF : http://bit.ly/2jlRvhH NUTRION PLAN PDF: http://bit.ly/2jlWFdk Workout Calender PDF: http://bit.ly/2iihaH5 == Follow Workout == MONDAY - Chest & Traps: http://bit.ly/2hWMQ8H TUESDAY - Arms and Calves: http://bit.ly/2iIOMBc WEDNESDAY- Back: http://bit.ly/2i1fpxe THURSDAY- Shoulders: http://bit.ly/2in1xhI FRIDAY - Legs: http://bit.ly/2iZuAv6 Abs & Cardio: http://bit.ly/2i8fDaJ == Follow Nutrition == MEAL 1 - Chicken Omelette: http://bit.ly/2hXjg3a MEAL 2 - Protein Cake: http://bit.ly/2hXpPm4 MEAL 3 - Chickpeas Rice: http://bit.ly/2jepKqs MEAL 4 - Protein Sticks: http://bit.ly/2iZwsUW MEAL 5 - Potato Eggs: http://bit.ly/2ideLjy MEAL 6- Milk Protein: http://bit.ly/2iyTcYm ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on You Tube : http://bit.ly/1eBikoz ★ LIKE us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tserieshealthandfitness ★ Follow us on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/tserieshealth Check out http://www.gurumann.com for more information. For all updates : ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Guru Mann Fitness :www.youtube.com/GuruMannFitness ★ SUBSCRIBE Us on Health & Fitness : http://bit.ly/1eBikoz ★ LIKE us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tserieshealthandfitness ★ Follow us on Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/tserieshealth ★ Follow Guru Mann on Instagram: GURUMANN Check out http://www.gurumann.com for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IIf your have missed it here are all Fitness Program by Guru Mann. 1. MUSCLE SIZE 5x5 - SIZE GAIN WORKOUT Program http://bit.ly/2dg6nhd 2. ULTIMATE ARMS: Biceps Workout, Triceps Workout http://bit.ly/2cZs4kx 3. Muscular 8 Fat Loss Program: http://bit.ly/2dnT9kt 4. Pure Mass\' 8 Weeks Mass Building Program http://bit.ly/2d2Bejq 5. LEAN MODE Workout: http://bit.ly/2cRL5TF Nutrition: http://bit.ly/2dfOpb4 6. GAINER (Pecs & Delts): http://bit.ly/2dcq489 7. SHREDDED NEXT LEVEL 8 Weeks Fat Shred Program: http://bit.ly/1OoMv9J 8. GET RIPPED 6 weeks MALE & FEMALE Fitness Model Workout Program: http://bit.ly/2cHp3pi 9. CONTROL DIABETES: http://bit.ly/2dcq9Zv'
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